Tuesday 15 July 2014

10 Most Beautiful Places in the World

For the next 10 days we shall serve you one for each day, of the 10 most beautiful places in the world. 

#1. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Once in a while it is good to divert your mind from the daily hassle and dissonance of daily working environment and find a cool place where you can relax and enjoy with your family. There is one good place that exceeds nature and its beauty. Spending some time visiting and watching some of the most beautiful wonders of the world will make you forget all your worries and realize how much is given to you by your creator to enjoy. There are so many breathtaking places in the world that you can visit but here we are going to concentrate on 10 most beautiful places in the world. They are so beautiful that you might think of changing your current career to travelling; after all travelling not only helps you learn but can also decide to write guides for others who might want to know more about their world.
Most Beautiful Places in the World

1. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
This is an amazing site located in between the border of Zambia and North of Zimbabwe along the Zambezi River. This breathtaking site occupies around 2 kilometer mile and is 354 feet high. It emits mist that is spotted by somebody about 20 kilometers away and hence it’s traditional “Mosi-oa Tunya” that simply means “thundering smoke”. It was named Victoria Falls by a Scottish explorer David Livingstone.

Ten dating mistakes that men always make

When Natasha Devon accepted a friend's challenge to date 60 men in two months, she quickly learnt that nearly all men fall into the same traps

Joseph Gordon Levitt and Zooey Deschanel in 500 Days of Summer
Date night: Joseph Gordon Levitt and Zooey Deschanel in 500 Days of Summer 
Eighteen months ago, I was a long-term singleton. I’d decided that my taste in men had become a little too stringent and restrictive (i.e. I always dated the same sort of guy and was left feeling bemused when they kept showing themselves to be scoundrels). So, I was set a challenge by my friends, in hope of changing the status quo – I was to join a dating site and I HAD TO accept every date I was asked on over the next six weeks.
A month and a half later I’d been on nearly 60 first dates (and can confirm that it is truly exhausting having to represent only the most palatable aspects of your personality over a prolonged period, I don’t know how the Duchess of Cambridge does it). I dated every type of man you could possibly think of, from every possible profession and background, ranging from 23 to 65 years old. I learned quite a lot about humanity, I like to think.
I also noticed a few common dating faux pas nearly all men make. That’s not to say that aren’t totally understandable……But they’re also massive turn-offs (hence why the sixty first dates only resulted in one second date). So, here they are, my gift to you, single men of Britain:
1. Not having a plan.
It doesn’t matter how feminist and independent you believe your date to be, we love a man who is good at decision making. Please do not arrange to meet us at the Tube station and then say, “so, where do you fancy going?” This question fills us with dread. We spent three hours getting ready for this thing. We’ve done our bit. We just want to be taken somewhere nice, please.
Bonus points if you say something like “I was thinking about going here as I’ve heard it’s great, unless you had somewhere in mind you’d prefer?” This shows you are decisive AND flatters our feminist sensibilities. We will swoon.

2. Saying “so why is a beautiful girl like you single?”
This is a stupid question on a couple of levels. First of all it makes us think you’re the sort of bloke who believes the dating game is just one long queue of girls, all of whom are DESPERATE for a boyfriend and are standing in order of physical attractiveness, waiting for the next man to walk past. Life is not the television show Take Me Out and we don’t want to go out with a man who thinks it is. Secondly, it immediately makes us wonder why YOU’RE single, before concluding that you’re probably either a serial killer, one of those guys that has a house full of "love dolls" or secretly married.
We know you’re trying to pay us a compliment and that’s lovely, but just telling us we look nice is fine.

3. Admitting you’re nervous.
This is the sort of admission that should only ever happen in retrospect. If it’s five years hence, you’re married and you’re having all your other married friends over for dinner one evening then by all means say “you know the first time I took Sarah out I was SO nervous I had to dash to the toilet seven times in the half hour I was waiting for her to arrive”*. This will seem sweet when we know and love you. Before that, however, it’s just a bit weird.
*This example assumes that your partner is called Sarah. Toilet-based anecdotes about girls you dated who aren’t your present girlfriend/wife are almost never acceptable.

4. Acting like you don’t care.
Having said the above, behaving as though we are utterly disposable and as though this is the sort of thing you do every night isn’t very attractive either. Even if you DO go on dates with different women every night, making us feel special, unique and cherished is the cornerstone of every healthy relationship and also, more short term, the non-negotiable key to getting into our knickers. Things that will make us think you aren’t giving the date sufficient gravitas include yawning, playing with your phone* and turning up in any sort of sportswear.

5. *Playing with your phone
Put. The. Phone. Away. PLEASE.

6. Asking a question then looking really disinterested as soon as the answer comes.
Sounds really obvious, but you’d be surprised how many guys do this. It’s as though they’re actually there purely to soak up the ambience of the pub and their date’s company has been requested solely so they don’t look like a Billy No Mates. Do not ask us something, then glance lazily around (especially not at other girls in the vicinity) as soon as we open our mouths to respond. This is not how a conversation is supposed to go and however subtle you think you’re being, we always notice.
Call us demanding, but in addition to expressing a verbal interest in our lives, we expect you to stick around in the conversation long enough to hear our response.

7. Saying ‘tell me something about you no one else knows’.
Right, first of all, we are women and by our nature confessional – there’s virtually nothing that, between them, our Mum, best friend and most trusted work colleague don’t know about us. Secondly, even if there was, we’re hardly likely to share this scintillating fact with someone who was, 14 minutes ago, a complete stranger. Thirdly, this then puts us on the spot to recall something really unusual and ‘zany’ about ourselves, at which point every zany and unusual thing we have ever thought or done will immediately evaporate from our memory and there will be a cavernous, awkward silence during which we will both wish we were dead.

8. Doing the ‘mid-point date assessment’.
If there is one sentence guaranteed to kill any sort of spark it’s “so, how do you think it’s going?”. We do not wish to analyse this date halfway through it, with you, thank you. We wish to analyse it with our best girlfriends – initially via the medium of text whilst you are in the loo and then further the next evening over several glasses of Pinot Grigio.

9. Bad-mouthing other dates you have been on.
This is the dating equivalent of being the office gossip who spend their days spreading spurious personal information from desk-to-desk and then wonders why they aren’t invited to the pub at six o'clock. Your dating horror stories are fascinating and we will be enthusiastic because we really, really want to hear them. But we’ll also then immediately be on our guard, wondering if this date is a future anecdote for another date you might go on.
If you’re interested in watching in horror as someone second-guesses each word that comes out of their face in case it’s used to incriminate them at a further juncture, may I suggest instead watching Question Time.

10. Talking about your ex/Asking about her ex
Ah, the holy grail. We all know we shouldn’t do it. Every magazine article, dating manual and wise older person has warned us against this particular pitfall for as long as we can remember. Yet for some reason I was asked about my ex on approximately 80% of the dates I went on and, as a direct consequence, I actually ended up missing my ex a little bit.
To be avoided. At all costs.

And here’s some "dos":
- SMILE! - It doesn’t cost anything and it makes you look sexy.
- Insist on paying - A controversial one, this. We’re always happy to go halves or even to pay for the whole thing BUT if you absolutely insist we’ll assume you’re having deeply loving feelings towards us.
- Walk us to the station/put us in a cab/in some way show that you are bothered about what might befall us during our journey home.
- Text immediately you get in to say what a lovely night you had - Even if it’s a lie. It’s just British good manners.

Et voila. Happy dating, fellas!

Hmm, read and learn, NOW and have no regrets later.

Popular Lagos pastor, Tony Rapu of the Present House Church Lagos, took to his Twitter account to give profound advise to married men. It's a must read! See more messages after the cut...

Monday 14 July 2014

7 Principles For Reaching One’s Potential

potential word
by Dr. Bob Gray Sr.
Philippians 3:13-16, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as man as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing.”
Every 58 minutes someone in America becomes a millionaire. 80% of them will have a blue-collar background. 80% of them will have average intelligence. 75% of them will have average grades in school. There is an intelligence trap and a spiritual trap that stops people from reaching their potential. People stop learning. People stop being teachable. People fail to develop a second effort mentality. There is a second effort barrier that stops people from reaching their potential. The issue is not how high ones potential is, but rather are you reaching your potential.

Leaders need to decide now what God wants them to do. The people who reach their potential are intensely goal oriented in the short term not the long term. There is a difference between a man who dreams and a man who has a vision. These who reach their potential have a sense of mission. There is a vast difference between a position and a purpose. Those who live for a purpose will keep on going while those who live for a position may lose their position, but they can never lose a purpose.
Those who reach their potential have a clear picture of what they believe God wants for them. Billionaire H. L. Hunt said, “There are only two clear requirements. One is to decide what you want and two is determine the price and pay the price in advance.”
Short-term goal oriented people have two thoughts in mind: quantified and qualified. The first is numerical and the second is staying within Biblical boundaries. 75% of these people who reach their potential have written short-term goals. They have their life on paper!

Leaders must decide to be the best early in life and commit themselves to quality. Average commitment brings average market price. Work should be the play of a leader. There is no substitute for quality of work. Work ethics have been sliding in our society and within a few generations we will have an undercutting of our moral values that always follow the work ethic slide.
Leaders lead by example and exhortation. However, example gives the punch to the exhortation of the leader. Exhortation is necessary but not viable without the example of the leader. Excellence is the quality that will lead to quantity.

The leader must focus on what he or she can give and not what they can get. Consumer needs that go unmet is where failure lives. Spiritual needs that go unmet is where failure lives in God’s economy. The law of compensation of sowing and reaping brings with it good results if the proper seed is sown.
The Wal-Mart’s of the world exist because they meet the needs of the consumer. The McDonald’s of the world prosper because they meet the needs of the consumer. It is the common man they reach. May I suggest to you that real leadership is meeting the needs of the common man? Spiritually there has to be contributing centered on the need not the wants. When a ministry asks the unsaved sinner what he wants in a ministry he will always end up with carnality. However, only God knows the needs of the common man. We were made in the image of God not the other way around. God is not made in the image of man.

Until leaders are willing to accept 100% responsibility for their lives they cannot grow. The followers then become the losers. It is imperative that we remember we are totally responsible from birth to death for our lives. When leaders convince themselves they are self-employed and quit being co-dependent they can tap the depths of wisdom. Some leaders recognize it and some do not recognize the principle of responsibility from birth to death.
Those who do reach their potential act as though they own the company. The timeserver is one who will never reach let alone expand their potential. All high achievers see themselves as self-employed and indispensable.

There is a second effort barriers that must be broken at will. Multi-millionaire Dr. Russell Anderson teaches that one makes a living from 8 to 5 and a success from 5 to 8. One works for 8 hours a day to survive while everything over 8 hours is an investment in ones future.
Stress comes from working below our performance level. The second effort barriers being broken explains those in history who have given us the great inventions that we take for granted. The telephone, the computers, the satellites, the automobile, aircraft, etc., have become commonplace yet all began with second barriers being broken by the second milers of life.

In order to be efficient time managers there is a necessity of developing a bias for action, speed, dependability, accuracy, and heroes.
· Set priorities
· Concentrate on one thing at a time
· Put your life on paper
· Keep your life in balance
Time is an event not seconds, not minutes, not hours, and not days. What we throw away may be more important than what we keep. The file 13 mentality will save more time than any other concept of time management you can think of.

The ability to stick with it longer than the other man is foundational. When the president of IBM was asked his reason for his success he said, “I last one day longer than the other guy!” The doubling of a person’s failure rate was a common denominator to those who reach their potential.
Possessing a non-teachable spirit is deadly for a leader. Intellectual arrogance is a cancer to the spirit of a leader. A leader can be right so much of the time that he or she thinks they are right all of the time.
Courage in a willingness to take calculated risks exists in all who strive to reach their potential. Playing too safe will always steal ones courage. Keeping ones heart in their throat will build ones courage. In order to develop courage it is necessary to classify obstacles as opportunities and building resistance to quit.
Persistence builds character and character helps one handle success of reaching their potential. Unless the leader jumps ten feet the follower will not jump five feet.
Keep On Rejoicing
A Couple Changes

1 Comment

  1. What is our potential? Is there any such thing? How can we possibly know what our potential is?
    Should Christians be less concerned with fulfilling Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, with grasping at a vague potential, than seeking to serve God, our families, society and wider world.
    We find ourselves by losing it, not by striving for unattainable potential.
    The scriptures do point to making every effort, to desiring, to putting on or off qualities.
    Why import a wobbly humanistic concept like potential?
    When I reach my so-called potential in vocation or sport, should I cease making every effort to be conformed to the image of the Son of God?
    Take every thought captive!

Hope a bigger war is not coming soon!

The 5 Bloodiest Battles in History

Every victory comes at a price. Here we look at the staggering cost of human life in five of history’s fiercest confrontations where the sheer number of warrior-dead defies imagination.

Much of a soldier’s life is spent awaiting and preparing for war. When the moment to take action does come, it is usually bloody, confusing, and over quickly. Often, combat will be on a small scale; a skirmish, a probing patrol, an accidental clash with the enemy in the darkness. At other times, fear will destroy an army, causing men to flee from the perceived threat of death before severe casualties have been sustained by either side. And, finally, there is the battle that surpasses the normal expectations of war in its scale of death and destruction. These are the days where neither side is prepared to surrender, or – as is so often the case – a general’s strategy is such that it leaves the enemy no escape, left to the mercy of the victors.

5. Battle of Gettysburg, 1863

Belligerents: Union vs Confederacy
Casualties: Unionists 23,000; Confederates 23,000
Total: 46,000
Result: Union victory

The day the tide of war turned in favour of the Union during the American Civil War, was also the day that saw the highest number of casualties in a single battle throughout the entire conflict. After a series of Confederate victories, General Lee led his troops north to invade Union territory. Fighting raged back and forth for three days before the Unionists emerged triumphant. The battle is remembered as the battle of the Civil War, immortalised by the Gettysburg address and standing as a symbol of the Union’s cause and eventual victory.

4. The Battle of Cannae, 216 BC

Belligerents: Carthage vs Rome
Casualties: Carthaginians 10,000; Romans 50,000
Total: 60,000
Result: Carthaginian victory

The Carthaginian general Hannibal, having marched his army across the Alps and defeated two Roman armies at Trebia and Lake Trasimene, sought to engage the Romans in a final decisive battle. The Romans concentrated their heavy infantry in the centre, hoping to smash through the middle of the Carthaginian army. Hannibal, on the other hand, deployed his finest troops on the flanks of his army, anticipating the central Roman attack. As the Carthaginian centre collapsed, the sides folded in on the Roman flanks. The mass of legionaries in the rear ranks forced the front ranks unstoppably forward, not knowing they were enveloping themselves. Eventually, the Carthaginian cavalry swept round and closed the gap, completely surrounding the Roman army. In the close quarters battle, the legionaries, with no way of escape, were forced to fight to the death. The result was the loss of 50,000 Roman citizens and two consuls.

3. The first day of the Somme, 1 July 1916

Belligerents: Britain vs Germany
Casualties: British 60,000; German 8,000
Total: 68,000
Result: Indecisive

The bloodiest day in the history of the British Army was suffered during the initial stages of a battle that would last for several months, result in over a million dead, and leave the tactical situation largely unchanged. The plan was for an artillery barrage to pound the German defences to an extent that the attacking British and French could just walk in and occupy the opposing trenches. The bombardment did not have the devastating effect expected. As soon as the soldiers emerged from the trenches, German machine-gun positions opened up. Poorly coordinated artillery meant that advancing infantry was often shelled by their own supporting fire or left dangerously exposed as their creeping barrage left them unprotected. By nightfall, few of the objectives had been taken, despite massive loss of life. The attack would continue
in a similar vein until October that year.

2. The Battle of Leipzig, 1813

Belligerents: France vs Austria, Prussia and Russia
Casualties: French 30,000; Allies 54,000
Total: 84,000
Result: Coalition victory

The battle of Leipzig represents the most decisive defeat suffered by Napoleon, and the largest battle fought on European soil prior to the outbreak of World War One.
Facing attacks from all directions, the French army performed remarkably well, holding attackers at bay for more than nine hours before being overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers. With defeat imminent, Napoleon began an orderly withdrawal across the single bridge still standing. The bridge was blown too early, stranding 20,000 French soldiers, many of whom would drown whilst attempting to cross the river. The defeat opened the door for an Allied advance into France itself.

1. The Battle of Stalingrad, 1942-1943

Belligerents: Nazi Germany vs Soviet Union
Casualties: German 841,000; Soviet Union 1,130,000
Total: 1,971,000
Result: Soviet victory

The German offensive began with a devastating series of bombings from the Luftwaffe, which left much of Stalingrad in ruins. But the bombing created a highly dispensable landscape. As the army advanced, however, they found themselves caught up in brutal house-to-house fighting with the Soviets. Although they were in control of more the 90% of the city, the Wehrmacht could not extricate the remaining stubborn Soviet soldiers. The weather began to turn bitterly cold, and in November 1942 the Red Army launched a two-pronged attack on the German 6th Army in Stalingrad. The flanks collapsed and the 6th Army was surrounded, both by the Red Army and the crippling Russian winter. Starvation, cold, and sporadic Soviet attacks began to take their toll. Yet Hitler refused to allow the 6th Army to retreat. By February 1943, after a failed German attempt to break out and with all supply lines had cut, the 6th Army was crushed.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Online porn: a problem for young people?

Online pornography is accessible, affordable and anonymous; and research has linked it to behaviours that can impact on physical and mental health - especially in young people.
Pornography is nothing new; the ancient Greeks and Romans had phallic imagery, Indians adorned their temples with sexually explicit sculptures, and the Japanese saw sexual material as the norm in the 17th century.
Curiosity about the human body and sex is natural and this generation of young people is not the first to be intrigued by pornography.
But a growing body of research that suggests the internet makes pornography more accessible than ever before, and there are concerns about how this can affect our emotional and physical health, especially when it's young people who are looking at it.

How many young people see porn?

One Australian study suggests 28 per cent of 9 to 16-year-olds have seen sexual material online; for 15 to 16-year-olds the percentage is 73 per cent. Other Australian research found of 13 to 16-year-olds, 93 per cent of males and 62 per cent of females had seen pornography online.
Dr Rebecca Guy, a senior lecturer with the Sexual Health Program at the University of New South Wales's Kirby Institute, says: "There is, therefore, the potential for adolescents to undergo high-level exposure to sexual content and interactions on the internet."
Guy argues studies have shown a strong association between young people's exposure to online porn and acceptance of earlier and more diverse sexual practice, which, in turn, predisposes them to adverse health outcomes.
However, Guy says despite the 'strong hypothesis and evolving evidence' linking exposure to online pornography with poorer adolescent health, there is still a lot of uncertainty around this issue and the question of what, if anything, needs to be done about it.
"One study of Dutch adolescents found that exposure to sexually explicit material on the internet did not predict subsequent sexual behaviour," she says.
"However, in the US, studies found that adolescents with greater exposure were more likely to have engaged in sexual intercourse or aggressive or violent sexual practices."
Professor Raj Sitharthan, from the department of psychiatry at the University of Sydney, says the concerns about access to online pornography extend to the minority of viewers, not the majority.
"We're not suggesting that everyone who watches porn will have negative aspects, definitely not, [but] this [ease of] access [to online pornography] opens up a whole new problem," he says.
Maree Crabbe is a sex educator from Victoria, who is currently looking at the changing nature of pornography and its effect on young people.
Her work on The Reality and Risk project has given her the opportunity to interview a diverse range of people about pornography, including young people, porn actors and others working in the industry.
Speaking on ABC Radio National's Life Matters program recently, she says her research suggests online pornography is a problem for young people for a number of reasons, including:
  • Accessibility – there are now a multitude of free images available to view anywhere, anytime.
  • Explicit nature of material – online porn is often highly explicit, including hard-core sexual acts that are often quite aggressive, especially towards woman.
  • Changing behaviour in young people – during her interviews she encountered many young people who spoke of mimicking what they see in pornography in their own sexual encounters.
Listen to excerpts from some of the interviews from the project on the Life Matters website.

Negative impact

Experts and research suggest the negative health effects of viewing pornography largely fall into two categories. The first is sexual behaviour that can increase the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV, Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and HPV (which causes genital warts). Specific examples of risky sexual behaviour include having:
  • unprotected sex;
  • a greater number of sexual partners;
  • sex at an earlier age;
  • using alcohol or drugs in association with sexual encounters;
  • viewing illegal or inappropriate material.
The second negative health category relates to an altered sense of reality, especially if the material being viewed is overly aggressive. In some cases this leaves young people believing inappropriate sexual behaviour, such as violent, aggressive or non-consensual sex, is normal and acceptable. There's also evidence to suggest pornography can lead to having a misguided perception of how the human body should look and negative body image. In turn, these issues can have a lifelong impact on young people's self-esteem, and their ability to form satisfying relationships later in life.
While these behaviours are not always damaging to emotional and physical health, they can be.
For a small minority of those accessing pornography, Sitharthan says, there can also be an issue of dependency.
"Anything in excess is the critical factor. Along with things like gambling, porn is a behavioural addiction," he says.
The impact of behavioural addiction can include social withdrawal,relationship breakdown, shelving responsibilities and an inability to enjoy other activities.

What you can do?

Research aside, the most important thing parents can do if they discover their child is viewing porn is to take a calm and proactive approach.
"First, do not over react ... try to work out if pornography is being regularly and systematically accessed, and if you are aware of any mood or emotional patterns that seem to be associated with times of extended internet usage," says Guy.
Equally important is to make a distinction between natural curiosity about sex and regular or compulsive viewing of pornography.
At this point, it is important for parents to talk to their child about the issue calmly and openly, without being judgmental.
"Expressing interest in what he or she is doing in a way that is not intrusive, and (having) a high threshold for reaction, will have a good chance of ensuring that you maintain a relationship of trust, which is going to be the thing that counts the most," says Guy.
Sitharthan agrees that messages about sex are best conveyed by adult family members, and says it's important to explain to young people that while their curiosity is natural, what they see in pornographic material is often not reality.
If you discover your child is viewing pornography:
  • Don't overact. Some young people stumble across porn by accident, and leave the site quickly.
  • Distinguish between normal curiosity about sex and regular or compulsive viewing of pornographic material.
  • Put the computer in a visible spot in the house, and restrict your child's access to the internet on portable devices.
  • Monitor – but don't spy – on their internet use.
  • Teach them how to detect and avoid unwanted sexual solicitation online.
  • Encourage them to engage in many different activities so they get enjoyment from more than just the computer and internet.
  • If it is an adult you are concerned about, talk about your concerns and encourage them to see their GP, who may refer them to a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Your Health

Cucumbers and Blood Pressure

(NaturalNews) Cucumbers are the fourth most cultivated vegetable in the world and known to be one of the best foods for your body's overall health, often referred to as a superfood. Cucumbers are often sprayed with pesticides so it is important to buy organic or even better, grow them yourself.

Here are 10 Benefits of cucumbers:

1.Quick pick me-up - Cucumbers are a good source of B vitamins. Put down your sodas and coffee and eat a cucumber slice.

2. Rehydrates body and replenishes daily vitamins - Cucumbers are 95 percent water, keeping the body hydrated while helping the body eliminate toxins. Cucumbers have most of the vitamins the body needs in a single day. Don't forget to leave the skin on because the skin contains a good amount of vitamin C, about 10 percent of the daily-recommended allowance.

3. Skin and hair care - If you don't like to eat the skin, it can be used for skin irritations and sunburns as aloe would be used. Place a slice over puffy eyes and its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce puffiness. The silicon and sulfur in cucumbers help to stimulate hair growth.

4. Fight cancers - Cucumber are known to contain lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol. These three lignans have a strong history of research in connection with reduced risk of several cancer types, including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and prostate cancer.

5. Home care - Eliminates a foggy mirror. Before taking a shower, rub a cucumber slice along a mirror and it will eliminate the mirror fogging up. Instead of WD40, take a cucumber slice and rub it along a squeaky hinge and your door will stop squeaking.

6. Relieves bad breath - Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.

7. Hangover cure - To avoid a morning hangover or headache; eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish many essential nutrients, reducing the intensity of both hangover and headache.

8. Aids in weight loss and digestion - Due to its low calorie and high water content, cucumber is an ideal diet for people who are looking for weight loss. The high water content and dietary fiber in cucumbers are very effective in ridding the body of toxins from the digestive system, aiding digestion. Daily consumption of cucumbers can be regarded as a remedy for chronic constipation.

9. Cures diabetes, reduces cholesterol and controls blood pressure - Cucumber juice contains a hormone which is needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin which has been found to be beneficial to diabetic patients. Researchers found that a compound called sterols in cucumbers may help reduce cholesterol levels. Cucumbers contain a lot of potassium, magnesium and fiber. These work effectively for regulating blood pressure. This makes cucumbers good for treating both low blood pressure and high blood pressure.

10. Promotes joint health, relieves gout and arthritis pain -Cucumber is an excellent source of silica, which is known to help promotes joint health by strengthening the connective tissues. They are also rich in vitamin A, B1, B6, C & D, Folate, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium. When mixed with carrot juice, they can relieve gout and arthritis pain by lowering the uric acid levels

Sources for this article:


About the author:
Alex is a TRUE Earthie Mama, helping others tune into their most natural state while bringing harmony and balance into all areas of their lives in order to THRIVE. Alex has a well known blog on health, wellness, conscious parenting, green living and getting off the grid to self sustainability. www.earthiemama.com

Why Christian Girls Post Seductive Selfies


By: Kristen Clark
When I was in high school Bethany and I decided we wanted to do a really cool photo shoot of ourselves.
We put on the most modern outfits we could find, layered on the jewelry, doubled the mascara and headed to a prime location – our roof. We recruited (begged) one of our younger sisters to be our photographer. We all climbed onto the roof of our house and she snapped away with the camera.
Yes, a roof is a random place to do a photo shoot, but we did it there to get that perfect “modelesque” breeze to blow our hair just right. For each picture, we posed exactly the way we had seen the professional models do it with their lips puckered, one eyebrow raised, hand on hip, and serious eyes.
Without being told how to pose seductively, we were pros and knew exactly what to do. We proudly posted our photoshoot to Facebook and waited for the compliments to come in.

Seductiveness is the new norm. 

Sadly, we live in a culture that “trains” our minds to view seductiveness as the norm from a very young age. Just take a quick walk through the mall and you’ll see poster after poster featuring models striking a sexual pose. Since the invention of Pinterest, Instagram, and other apps sexualized images are in our faces more than ever before.
As Christian girls, we’re being bombarded by our culture’s message that seductive and sexual poses are cool, hip, and normal. Taking seductive selfies isn’t raunchy anymore…it’s acceptable and praised. Since we live in a fallen world it makes sense that our culture praises and encourages girls to act this way.

It makes sense that the supermodels and non-Christian girls don’t have a problem posting selfies like this.

The question I have for you is this: Why in the world are Christian girls posting seductive selfies??
I’m shocked sometimes when I get on my Instagram and see some of the sensual poses a few of my Christian friends are posting. What surprises me even more is the comments I read from other Christian friends who are complimenting these images and calling them “beautiful.” So what’s up with this? It seems like an epidemic over the past few years.

Why are Christian girls so fond of posting seductive selfies?

I know the answer to these questions because I used to be one of those girls. I used to be the girl behind the iPhone flip-phone snapping those seductive poses. I was the girl on the roof doing a photo shoot so I could show off the results to my friends.
For me, I posted those pictures because I wanted guys to notice me. I wanted people to compliment “how pretty I was.” I loved hearing the praise and affirmation from my friends. It was never an accident that I posted a picture of myself. It was always intentional and planned. I had seen enough images of fashion models to know what a “hot” picture was supposed to look like.
Many of you reading this blog know exactly what I’m talking about because you’ve done the same thing.

The truth is, posting seductive selfies is just an outward symptom of a much deeper issue.

It’s a sign of a girl who is longing for something more. It’s a sign of a girl who is trying to fill up her affirmation tank through the praises and compliments of her friends. A girl who craves attention from guys and hopes they’ll notice one of her pictures. A girl who wants to appear confident, but is weak and lonely on the inside. A girl who enjoys seducing guys by making them “want what they can’t have.”
Seductive selfies are nothing more than an image that screams, “Look at ME!” They’re an opportunity to point the spotlight on yourself for a brief moment and hope that someone will notice.

As Christian girls, God calls us to a much higher standard than to play the seductive selfie game.

The whole purpose of our lives is to point others to Christ, not to ourselves. These types of photos are never Christ-centered, but are always self-centered. God calls us to live morally pure lives in every way. Posting seductive pictures of yourself isn’t promoting purity or holiness within the body of Christ.
Since that day on the roof, God has convicted me about the motivation and condition of my heart. Tell me if you think seductive selfies are okay according to Ephesians 5:1,3: “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints.”

What do you think?

First we’re called to be imitators (reflections) of God to the world around us. You and I are God’s children! We need to reflect the character and purity of our Father well. Second, we’re commanded to stay away from any form of sexual immorality and all impurity. did you catch that? “Any form…allimpurity.”

Seductive selfies don’t stand a chance against these verses.

Our culture tells us that holiness and purity is lame, and that being too strict on yourself will lead to a life of boredom. If that’s the case, then why are so many girls lonely, sad, depressed, insecure and needy?
God gives us standards for purity and holiness because He knows it’s what’s best for us. True joy and contentment won’t come through the applause of your friends, it will only come through obeying and honoring God. “Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with their whole heart” (Psalm 119:1-2).
I know you want to be blessed by God. I sure do! Instead of striving after the empty applause of this world, strive for the fulfilling applause of your King.

You will never be happier than when you’re living your life for God’s glory.

As Christian girls we have a duty to honor our King in every area of our lives. We have a responsibility to bear the image of Christ to the lost world around us.
Will you join me in rejecting the trend of seductive selfies? Will you say no to posting self-glorifying pictures that put all of the attention on you?
Our world is in desperate need of Christian girls who are willing to stand up for God’s truth by displaying something far greater than themselves.
Let’s make it personal:
  • Are you guilty of posting seductive selfies? If so, what is your motivation behind posting them?
  • Are you willing to ask God’s forgiveness for not reflecting well on His image? If so, confess your sins and ask God to create a clean and pure heart inside of you.
  • What ways are you tempted to put the attention on yourself instead of God?
I’d love to hear from you in the comments section below!
Disclaimer: The image used at the top of this blog is not what we would consider a “seductive selfie.” We chose not to publish a photo of a sensual/seductive girl for obvious reasons.