Saturday 5 July 2014

It Begins in the Mind

Every battle of life takes place first in the mind before a replay in the physical. What we see in the physical is just like a video replay of what had already taken place in the spiritual. The mind is the link between this spiritual and the physical where the results of spiritual battles are manifested. This implies that the way you respond to issues relating to sex and other aspects of life is rooted in what is in your mind. Otherwise stated, the ruler of your mind determines your approach to every issue of life. Whoever is king in your mind determines the result of the battles of life that faces you. The mind is the center of spiritual warfare for experiencing daily victory over sexual temptations.
“If we will be effective in spiritual warfare, the field of conflict where we must learn warfare is the battle ground of the mind. For the territory of the uncrucified thought-life is the beach-head of satanic assault in our lives. To defeat the devil we must be crucified in the place of the skull. We must be renewed in the spirit of our minds.”
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”- [Proverbs 4:23 NIV]
“…out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.” [Matthew 15: 19 NIV]
So, much of what we need to do is a serious work on our mind; allowing the Lord to dissect and remove every unwanted element from our mind. What you are going to read now are some of the means through which the mind could surrender to the LORD for a genuine and lasting deliverance.


Renew your Mind

To live in daily victory over all forms of sexual sin we need to continue to allow the light of the word of God so as to be able to expel every moral darkness in our minds. This is the only way to check the assault of the devil who “….can traffic in any area of darkness, even the darkness that still exists in a Christian’s heart.”

Renewal of the mind is both preventive and curative. We are familiar with the saying,
“Sow a thought, and reap an action. Sow an action, reap a habit, sow a habit reap a character. Sow a character, reap a destiny.”
So the question is, what do you think always? What do you usually allow to run through your mind? What percentage of your daily thoughts is occupied with sex or other dirty imaginations? Every one’s life moves in the direction of his or her dominant thought pattern. And our thoughts are the fabrics with which we weave our character and destiny. This is why sexual sins are not the type you fall into ‘before-you-know-it’. “It is often the result of a long process in which a mind susceptible to sin is granted unguarded exposure to immoral input.” Before any sexual sin, some sexual stimuli must have been permitted or allowed access to take root in the mind. Though we may not be able to avoid all sexual stimuli, but we can keep them from taking roots in our minds.
Martin Luther put it this way,
“You can’t keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from making a nest in your hair.”
We must cultivate the attitude of investing time with the word of God because it is the God given instrument for refining the mind of man and empowering it to live in victory over every temptation and trial.

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