Friday 4 July 2014

Take Care and Take Charge

The human sense organ is a deciphering and probing organ. It seeks to correctly analyse a request, event or procedure. These three things feed the logic of the MIND - which is the headquarter of all emperical manipulations - and therefore determine the action and reaction equality as proposed by Newton. But opposed to the senses is the emotion. The human emotion is a cloud of 'psycho-bio-chemical charges that are generated in the soul and its allies, released into the body and then magnified by the adrenalin. This has the capacity to influence both decisions and actions.

Therefore, the worst time to take a decision or react to something is when one is high on ANY emotion. Now, our senses are having a hard time interpreting and deciphering so much load of information or data, so it will be very dangerous to risk conclusions from your senses nd nervous system at a time when they have actually been CLOUDED BY EMOTIONS! Well, if you do, surely you will most likely regret your actions. So, the question will be, how do I become perfect in life when I have never lived before? Well, none of us have. If you see anyone, please alert me. However, the more we live, the more we learn how to live. So, just keep living, but never allow fear to rule your emotions.

Fear is good only if it result in helping us take smart decisions. Yes, it has the potential of making the human mind take that extra care necessary during decision making. Emotions are not the best companion during decision taking but, you don't want to be empty of that level of emotion (like fear) necessary for avoiding unnecessary risks. This points to the fact that what we need to master is our own ability and behavior in the face of unwanted or unstable emotional triggers. Learn who you are and so easily identify when there is need for extra care. Don't mistake the pointer at fear to mean that it is all we mean by emotions. Times of inexplicable pleasure, happiness or joy are also signals to possibilities of  instability at the decision-making centre. So, watch it!

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