Wednesday 9 July 2014

Feeding the Eyes, Starving the Soul
Research have shown that “For women, thoughts about relationship occupy about 70% of time while the remaining 30% of thinking time is devoted to the following subjects: trashing men, ageing, having pee, things they shouldn’t have eaten, food, pets, and sex.
For men about 30% of thinking time deal with career, another 30% with sports, another 30% with sex, and the final 10% is distributed between going bald, aging…..”
Imagine! No wonder things are like this with men. When men use such quantity of time on thoughts about sex, many have gone for anything to satisfy themselves. Especially in our age when society no longer severely stigmatizes or critically judges promiscuous sexual relationships.
In order to get the mind promiscuous what needed to be done is to fill the mind with sexually stimulating scenes or pictures. We agree that the entertainment and advertisement industry provides more than anyone can consume, and it is true that the opposite sex is quite appealing to the five senses, especially sight.
“Blessed is the young man who refuses to give up from striving to reclaim the 30% of thought spent on sex and surrender same to the Lord for a renewal of the mind and obedience to the word of God.” Every male should realize that there is no gain in satisfying your eyes but starve your soul.
It’s your choice
If you chose ignorance and foolishness then bitter experience is your portion! Just a moment of mindless, passionate sexual experience has potential to changing or dictating the rest of your life.
You can become infected with any of the sexually transmitted diseases. You may be deceiving yourself and so dismiss the possibility of your partner living with a ‘killer gun’ no matter the age that he or she is. It is possible that there is a potential ‘chain reaction’ waiting for a victim. Be careful else you live the remaining time of your life in regret of what happened within a short period of a supposed fun.
What if pregnancy results not minding all the pills that you have swallowed or the calculations meant to avoid it? Or haven’t you heard of babies who refuse to give up even after an abortion? A young lady became pregnant and decided to abort it claiming that it is her right to decide whether to have the baby or not. She did not realize that the time of choice is at the point of intercourse. Both men and women choose to risk the possibility of conception at that moment. At the point when the man ‘sends the message’ into the ‘waiting canal’ both have voluntarily entered the ‘made a choice zone’; and now ‘nature determines the result’.
It is a great sadness for humanity that the woman can terminate the life of the baby in her womb. Also, that the man can refuse to take responsibility, hiding from his obligation from a child that came through sexual relationship with someone other than the wife, is a sad one for humanity and a tremendous disaster for the child. The man would have succeeded in bringing a child with hole in his or heart where a ‘Dad’ ought to have been.
The moment you choose to have sex with someone who is not your legally married wife, all that matters, if the lady becomes pregnant, is “the requirements of the new life that you both made a choice to bring forth. When you ‘make a baby’, it’s the welfare of the child which matters, not petty, angry exchanges between the egg’s house and the sperm donor.” You made your choice long ago, now is time to live with the consequences.
What men need is more than sex! They need,
Purpose and direction
If you forget God’s word and settle for sinful gratification of your sexual urge, you will soon discover that “after the sexual feast comes emotional famine.” If you are in doubt, go ask King David or Prince Amnon.
You need to surrender your thought life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Certainly, you will experience a new life which you never knew existed.                      
  One lie that sexual urge sells is that, when you satisfy its demand everything will be alright. But the truth that it doesn’t want people to know is that, if it is satisfied now, it will calm down, but for a moment. The next time, these desires will come more forcefully to demand for another session of satisfaction and so the chain continues

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