Tuesday 8 July 2014


When it comes to sexual temptations the male folks think females are finding things easy. But I can tell you, they are not. People into Christian counseling will tell better. Quite different from men however, women receive the signal to come to puberty or sexual maturity between the ages of 12 and 15. Though some argue that the age is now lower than what it used to be. When this signal is sent out of the pituitary gland, a gland situated at the base of the brain, the sexual hormone is secreted. Consequently, their breasts begin to enlarge, pubic hair grows, her hip starts to broaden, and she begins to take a curvaceous feminine appearance. It is at this stage that they begin to be conscious of themselves. As she begins to take notice of herself, surprisingly she also begins to get interested in the opposite sex and finds pleasure in having them around, though she pretends about it.
One of the easily noticeable evidence of a sexually maturing teen is the pleasure in staying around the opposite sex. You observe that they are always ‘quarreling’, fighting one another’ and doing just anything that enhances frequent interaction. All these give them some kind of pleasure.
So it is an understatement to say that exposing these young minds to sexually stimulating pictures, movies, music or environment could be dangerous to their minds, future or destiny.
I was opportune to counsel a young lady who narrated how her boy friend kept mounting pressure on her for sexual relationship. She confessed that (she knows) he reads a lot of pornographic materials and likes to watch sex saturated movies. What I can say is that, her boy friend was already full of garbage and was looking for a partner to practice those things he had stuffed in his mind through the reading of erotic novels, listening to sexually arousing music, flipping through pornographic handbook and watching of sex saturated programmes and movies on the television or the internet.
Generally, our body is made to have an emotional dependence which we sometimes call ‘love’. Yes, there is a “God-given attraction that we have for the opposite sex.” With this however, “…there seem to come many problems for singles which are certainly not God-given!”
It is these ‘attractions’ that mislead many to ‘overreact to any attention from someone of the opposite sex, especially if that ‘someone’ is attractive to them.’’ And if “a man looks at a woman twice, she can read all kinds of meanings into it.”
We will be moving near victory over sexual temptations first by seeking understanding of our sexual life. That will helps us appreciate the need to discipline our minds and so be careful as we handle our emotions. We need to learn how to control our reaction at the thought level; that’s where it all begins. At least we now understand its link to our sex drive center. It is our responsibility to make proper use of this understanding in order to safeguard our minds else we would be willingly “…walking into the enemy’s camp, laying our weapons down, shedding our armor as we go, and leaving it on the ground.”

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